Mastering the Art of Getting an Agent: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Valorie Hubbard

  “How do I get an agent?” It’s a question that floods my social media channels daily. And today, I’m finally going to give you the inside scoop on how to make it happen. Getting an agent is a crucial step in advancing your acting career, and it requires careful planning, preparation, and persistence. So,…

The Journey to Becoming an Actress: A Guide to Starting Your Career

By Valorie Hubbard

  Aspiring actors and actresses often find themselves lost in a sea of questions when embarking on their journey to stardom. “How do I become an actress?” they ask. “Do I need to go to acting school? Get an agent? Where do I even find auditions?” If you resonate with these questions, you’re not alone.…

Unlocking Success: The Art of Headshots for Acting

By Valorie Hubbard

  In the fast-paced world of acting, first impressions are everything. And in an industry where digital casting reigns supreme, your headshot serves as your calling card. It’s the snapshot that can either open doors or keep them firmly shut. That’s why, when it comes to headshots for acting, preparation is key.   Prepare, prepare,…

How Dropping Off My Reel Landed Me a Movie Audition: A Hollywood Success Story

By Valorie Hubbard

  Are you an aspiring actor, dreaming of landing that breakthrough role in a blockbuster movie? Well, let me share with you my journey of auditioning for a major film and how a simple decision led to one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.   It all started with a stroke of luck…

Mastering the Art of Film Acting: The Key Role of Film Acting Classes

By Valorie Hubbard

  In the realm of acting, especially for those aspiring to conquer the silver screen, the journey begins with mastering the craft of film acting. Many individuals inquire about the best avenues to refine their skills in this domain, seeking guidance on where to start their quest for excellence. While the allure of acting on…

Winter Film Awards International Film Festival

By Valorie

Disney Audition: How I Landed My Breakthrough Role with a Little Ingenuity

By Valorie

  When I first embarked on my journey as an actress in Los Angeles, I quickly realized that securing commercial roles was the fastest route to financial stability. With a commercial agent already onboard, I dove headfirst into auditioning for commercials. However, I also had my sights set on something bigger: Disney.   Knowing that…

LinkedIn for your ACTING Career

By Valorie Hubbard

THE CEO ACTOR As an Actor, you are an entrepreneur a business owner, the CEO of your own company. LinkedIn is a business platform, not a social media platform so it only makes sense that actors learn how to navigate LinkedIn for their businesses. There are over 5 million executives in entertainment on LinkedIn—WOW. LinkedIn…

Deep Clean Your Social Media for Actors

Deep Clean Your Social Media for Actors

By Valorie Hubbard

If you’re like most people, you already have a few social media accounts and some of them contain photos or updates that are embarrassing and make you look unprofessional. If you’re serious about becoming a working actor, then it’s time for you to clean your social media accounts. Here’s how to get started… Look through…

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