Writing Your Acting Bio for Social Media

By Valorie Hubbard

Your acting bio for social media may be the first thing a casting director sees about you. It’s the first impression and you want it to be a positive one. The best bios don’t just sound good – they make you memorable! But the thing to keep in mind is that not all social media…

Acting Brand on Social Media

Display Your Acting Brand on Social Media

By Valorie Hubbard

You may not think about your acting brand on social media but it’s essential that you do. You want your brand and your social media to be in alignment. If you’re trying out for sexy vixen roles but all of your social media selfies show you dressed conservatively and looking like the girl next door,…

Social Media for Actors graphic

Social Media for Actors: 3 Things You Need to Know

By Valorie Hubbard

Decades ago, a casting director would make a decision about hiring an actor based on their audition and reputation in the industry. While casting directors can still use these two criteria to make their decisions, they also have a new tool available: social media. This means being on social media for actors is very important.…

POP Quiz: Are You Treating Your Acting Career Like a Business?

Are You Treating Your Acting Career Like a Business?

By Valorie Hubbard

Smart actors treat their acting career like a business. But it can be hard to know if you’re hitting the mark. That’s why I created this short quiz. It’ll show you if you’re on the right track or if it’s time to adjust your course… 1. What is your job as an actor? A: To…

Kickstart Your Acting Career!

Kickstart Your Acting Career Today with These 5 Actionable Tips

By Valorie Hubbard

If I ask ten actors “what are you doing about your acting career?” most will tell me, “Well, I’m waiting to get new headshots. I’m looking for a new agent. I’m thinking about taking this or that acting class.” This is a recurring theme. I see it repeatedly. They are waiting! FOR WHAT? They don’t…

An acting coach helps you navigate your acting career!

Could You Benefit from an Acting Coach?

By Valorie Hubbard

Acting is like any other activity—the more you do it, the better you get at it. But it’s not enough to just practice in front of your mirror. You need feedback from someone that’s more advanced than you are like an acting coach. An acting coach works with you to strengthen your acting skills. This…

How to Create Your Acting Resume (Even if You're New to Acting!)

How to Create Your Acting Resume (Even if You’re a New Actor!)

By Valorie Hubbard

Trying to create your acting resume can feel difficult when you’re a new actor. You want clips to put on the resume but without a resume, it seems like you can’t get clips. So, now you’re stuck and wondering what to do next. My advice is to go ahead and create that resume. Even if…

15 Positive Affirmations for Actors

15 Positive Affirmations for Actors

By Valorie Hubbard

Danielle had been interested in acting for years. When she began going on auditions, she struggled. She’d often think, “No one is going to hire me. I’m just going to fail.” These thoughts quickly became self-fulfilling. The more Danielle thought that she would fail, the more she did. To overcome this problem, Danielle began working…

7 Books Every New Actor Should Read

7 Books Every New Actor Should Read

By Valorie Hubbard

The smartest thing to do when you’re a new actor is to learn more about your craft. Learning about acting can take many forms—participating in acting classes, working with a coach, and going on auditions to get feedback. But another simple way to learn more is to read books on the subject of acting. Here…

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